You have just announced that you are resigning.
Well, it was only a matter of time after your political party’s electoral defeat. There’s turmoil in your house (party), you lost the majority in the upper house, four of your party mates went down due to scandals and now, your popularity is down to 30%. Last year, I never thought that this would happen to you. But good riddance, it did.
As a non Japanese, I SHOULD NOT REALLY CARE but I DO.
Our problems are bigger and your affairs are supposed to be separate from ours. However, SUCH WAS NOT THE CASE and much of it is BECAUSE OF YOU. You are the willing leader and poster boy of historical revision. HOW DARE YOU OFFICIALLY DENY THAT OUR COMFORT WOMEN EXISTED? After the sufferings brought upon the innocents by your soldiers, you dare proclaim that there is no evidence that your soldiers systematically enslaved and raped women in your “Comfort Houses” It’s a good thing that you went down.

Is this your first time to see this types of photos, Abe? Your guy beheaded a Pinoy boy. he could have become a great President of this country, who knows?
Perhaps, now that you are leaving, the healing can begin anew. After you disrupted it with your !@#$% declaration. I hope, your children's textbooks will start talking about your real role in the war. I also hope that your successor will have a better stance regarding this issue.
Real reconciliation starts with an acceptance and a humble request for pardon. It is followed by forgiveness and reconciliation. After that, all parties can start to move forward. Your predecessors did just that, but you reversed it Good riddance you’re out.
Abe said those killings in Philippines never happened and it's just racist propaganda against Japan
Hi Mark, There are still living victims who has testified and can still testify. Furthermore, the Japan apology which Abe has tried to quash was based on official Japanese documents. There's a picture in this post. In my opinion, that is a good proof unless proven otherwise.
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