Monday, November 5, 2007


The first time I read this kind of headline, I didn't have the appetite to continue reading for the nature of the headline suggests that the contents were based on quantitative reasoning, which for me, is very subjective.

However, when I finally browsed through the article, I found out that the article is worthy of a serious consideration. All in all, the story is about a survey of Filipinos being made to determine the level of monthly food budget which they deem to be above and below poverty lines. The survey indicated that through the past several years, the budget went down and yet, the incidence of families breaching the floor levels increased.

Conclusion? The people are nowadays poorer.

Here's the complete story.

The SWS said both the self-rated poverty threshold — the monthly budget that poor households need in order not to consider themselves poor in general — and the self-rated food poverty threshold — the monthly food budget that poor households need in order not to consider themselves poor in terms of food — have been sluggish for several years despite considerable inflation.

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