I just hope that the income from these malls will trickle down to the masses.
The blogs that I frequent includes the spitting vessel that talks about issues from all over the world and ends every post with a signature sound of a loud spit! Today, I will attempt a Durano (the blog's author) but talk about a local issue.
One of the pests that plague our local fast foods, coffee shops and restaurants is the pickpocket menace. I was in a Jollibee outlet at one time when a crook (pretending to be a customer), asked a lady diner some questions. Unknown to her, cohorts of the crook covered all possible angles to prevent other customers from seeing her then expertly took her bag. The lady only found out about what happened, a few minutes after the crooks have left. The incident was made possible because the security guard was being made to serve as a waiter. When confronted about it, the restaurant manager ordered the guard to man the door.
Yesterday and today, I was once again in the same Jollibee outlet and looked around. Lo and behold, the guard was once again cleaning the tables on both days! I talked to a friend in the police and relayed my disbelief. My friend told me that he has also observed the same thing in ALL Jollibee outlets. The guards are actually made to serve diners. As cops, they always tell the guards to protect their entire sites and not wait on customers. However, we both acknowledged the fact that the poor guards can get into trouble, if they refuse the orders of their restaurant managers.
Here’s my take regarding this matter.
May I ask, is it too much for the store to pay for the salary of at least two guards (about 30k/ month) so that its customers can enjoy its Chicken Joy without losing their precious properties?
I was told that this was not the first of such incident in its stores.
Oooorkwz…. Phooee!!!!!!
A well known Physicist urges a review of the Biofuels law on the grounds that oil bearing plants do not utilize sunlight as much as the food crops and therefore requires additional fertilizer. In the end, the quantities of oil derived from the plants do not really make the effort worthwhile. In addition, there is the scare that we will end up planting more oil yielding plants and maybe, convert our food crops into oil plantations. Should that happen, it will be detrimental to our food production efforts.
Here are my initial views:
As for now, my initial thoughts are.. “Let the market dictate!”
Let us not forget that we have plenty of problems that needs to be tackled all at the same time.
Let’s discuss this issue… Ciao!