Friday, September 30, 2011

Get Healthier!

There is this new diet fad that I have seen work. My friend lost more than 50 lbs and I have told him to stop losing weight. His diet requires a lot of tests prior to start and requires constant austin clinical nutritionist. The diet gives him enough energy to get through the day without feeling week and does not require any exercise. People who work out are given more to eat in order to sustain their energy requirements. This kind of diet requires money to pay the doctors and packed meals. One just can’t go around eating in restos. The thing is, this diet works and people really get healthier!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Other use for the tablets

I wonder if digital antennas will work for ipads or Samsung galaxy tabs when it’s docked in car dashboards. Samsung Galaxies, Ipads and even Achoes tabs are huge enough to become car navigation screens and even televisions. I therefore hope that a good antenna can be hot synched into it so that we can enjoy the gadget as we drive from one place to another.

Motorhome Repair

I wonder where in my country I will get a decent motorhome repair service. I’ve had one for a few years now and it probably needs a specialist for its maintenance. I will probably ask around for referrals and on some spare moments, look for a good one through the internet. Much of what we need can be found online and I hope that it is also very true for motorhomes in my country.


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